Note: This website only show 4D Result. We do not sell numbers.

Check Past 4D Results by Entering Your Number


Enter number to check the past result. You can use the statistic for your reference to pick a good number.


Below is the generated past result with date.

No 4D Prize Outlet Draw ID/Date Date Interval
1. 1212 Cons TOTO 5735/23
23/12/2023 (Sat)
217 days ago
2. 1212 Spe SABAH88 3683/23
01/04/2023 (Sat)
483 days ago
3. 1212 Cons DAMACAI 3064
22/01/2023 (Sun)
552 days ago
4. 1212 Cons DAMACAI 3060
14/01/2023 (Sat)
560 days ago
5. 1212 Spe SWEEP 4732/22
27/12/2022 (Tue)
578 days ago
6. 1212 Spe TOTO 5571/22
24/12/2022 (Sat)
581 days ago
7. 1212 2ND TOTO 5534/22
15/10/2022 (Sat)
651 days ago
8. 1212 Spe SANDAKAN 025/22
19/02/2022 (Sat)
889 days ago
9. 1212 Spe SABAH88 3474/22
25/01/2022 (Tue)
914 days ago
10. 1212 Spe TOTO 5273/21
21/04/2021 (Wed)
1193 days ago
11. 1212 Spe TOTO 5234/21
02/02/2021 (Tue)
1271 days ago
12. 1212 Spe TOTO 5204/20
29/11/2020 (Sun)
1336 days ago
13. 1212 Spe SINGAPORE 4395
17/03/2019 (Sun)
1959 days ago
14. 1212 Cons SANDAKAN 117/18
29/08/2018 (Wed)
2159 days ago
15. 1212 Spe SWEEP 3939/18
30/05/2018 (Wed)
2250 days ago

16. 1212 Cons TOTO 4766/18
29/04/2018 (Sun)
2281 days ago
17. 1212 Cons SANDAKAN 079/17
10/06/2017 (Sat)
2604 days ago
18. 1212 Cons DAMACAI 4377/16
11/06/2016 (Sat)
2968 days ago
19. 1212 Cons MAGNUM 641/16
08/05/2016 (Sun)
3002 days ago
20. 1212 Spe SANDAKAN 040/16
15/03/2016 (Tue)
3056 days ago
21. 1212 Cons MAGNUM 520/15
16/09/2015 (Wed)
3237 days ago
22. 1212 Spe DAMACAI 4242/15
12/09/2015 (Sat)
3241 days ago
23. 1212 Spe MAGNUM 515/15
05/09/2015 (Sat)
3248 days ago
24. 1212 Cons SWEEP 3349/15
07/02/2015 (Sat)
3458 days ago
25. 1212 Cons SABAH88 2237/14
31/12/2014 (Wed)
3496 days ago
26. 1212 Cons DAMACAI 3952/13
26/01/2014 (Sun)
3835 days ago
27. 1212 Cons SINGAPORE 3533
11/12/2013 (Wed)
3881 days ago
28. 1212 Cons DAMACAI 3920/13
23/11/2013 (Sat)
3899 days ago
29. 1212 Cons SABAH88 2030/13
03/11/2013 (Sun)
3919 days ago
30. 1212 Spe TOTO 3940/13
14/09/2013 (Sat)
3969 days ago
31. 1212 Cons TOTO 382813
27/01/2013 (Sun)
4199 days ago
32. 1212 Cons SABAH88 186212
25/11/2012 (Sun)
4262 days ago
33. 1212 Spe TOTO 371612
13/06/2012 (Wed)
4427 days ago
34. 1212 Spe TOTO 365912
15/02/2012 (Wed)
4546 days ago
35. 1212 1ST DAMACAI 3313/10
20/06/2010 (Sun)
5151 days ago
36. 1212 Spe DAMACAI 3288/10
28/04/2010 (Wed)
5204 days ago
37. 1212 Cons MAGNUM 475/09
01/11/2009 (Sun)
5382 days ago
38. 1212 Spe SWEEP 2369/09
05/08/2009 (Wed)
5470 days ago
39. 1212 Spe SWEEP 2305/09
22/03/2009 (Sun)
5606 days ago
40. 1212 Spe SINGAPORE 2749
03/01/2009 (Sat)
5684 days ago
41. 1212 Cons SWEEP 2233/08
22/10/2008 (Wed)
5757 days ago
42. 1212 Spe SWEEP 2042/07
12/08/2007 (Sun)
6194 days ago
43. 1212 1ST SWEEP 1777/06
21/01/2006 (Sat)
6762 days ago
44. 1212 Cons DAMACAI 2543/05
07/12/2005 (Wed)
6807 days ago
45. 1212 Cons SWEEP 1360/03
27/07/2003 (Sun)
7671 days ago
46. 1212 Spe TOTO 213303
05/03/2003 (Wed)
7815 days ago
47. 1212 2ND SWEEP 1287/03
15/02/2003 (Sat)
7833 days ago
48. 1212 Cons TOTO 208202
13/11/2002 (Wed)
7927 days ago
49. 1212 Spe TOTO 203502
31/07/2002 (Wed)
8032 days ago
50. 1212 Cons TOTO 202802
14/07/2002 (Sun)
8049 days ago
51. 1212 Cons TOTO 191901
14/11/2001 (Wed)
8291 days ago
52. 1212 Cons MAGNUM 118/01
03/10/2001 (Wed)
8333 days ago
53. 1212 2ND DAMACAI 1685/00
03/10/2000 (Tue)
8698 days ago
54. 1212 1ST SWEEP 0892/00
24/09/2000 (Sun)
8707 days ago
55. 1212 Spe DAMACAI 1449/99
25/04/1999 (Sun)
9225 days ago
56. 1212 Cons SWEEP 0319/97
26/02/1997 (Wed)
10013 days ago
57. 1212 Spe SWEEP 0290/96
21/12/1996 (Sat)
10080 days ago
58. 1212 Cons SWEEP 0274/96
13/11/1996 (Wed)
10118 days ago
59. 1212 Spe DAMACAI 0919/95
13/12/1995 (Wed)
10454 days ago
60. 1212 Spe MAGNUM 116/95
27/09/1995 (Wed)
10531 days ago
61. 1212 Spe MAGNUM 027/95
04/03/1995 (Sat)
10738 days ago
62. 1212 Cons MAGNUM 114/94
22/09/1994 (Thu)
10901 days ago
63. 1212 Cons DAMACAI 0415/92
23/09/1992 (Wed)
11630 days ago
64. 1212 Cons MAGNUM 080/89
06/07/1989 (Thu)
12805 days ago
65. 1212 Spe MAGNUM 149/87
12/12/1987 (Sat)
13377 days ago

These results are extracted from

Analyzed Statistics For Number 1212


x65 hits

Predicted next on 18 Feb 2025 (Tue)

1st: 3 2nd: 3 3rd: 0

Special: 29 Consolation: 30

Odd digits: 2 (1,1) | Even digits: 2 (2,2)
Lower digits: 4 (1,2,1,2) | Upper digits: 0 ()
* Lower is 0 to 4, Upper is 5 to 9

Total of 65 Hits Since 12/12/1987 (Sat) /13377 days ago.
Average of 0.00486 Hits/Interval. (Bigger value is better)

Please note that these statistics are provided for reference purposes only. We do not assume any responsibility for decisions made based on this information.


4DPredict offers daily updates on the latest 4D results. Our team manually collects 4D Result data from each official outlet's website and consolidates it into one website for convenience. However, human error does occur sometimes. Please verify with the official website. Using machine learning techniques, we analyze each result and provide predictions to enhance your user experience.