Note: This website only show 4D Result. We do not sell numbers.

Check Past 4D Results by Entering Your Number


Enter number to check the past result. You can use the statistic for your reference to pick a good number.


Below is the generated past result with date.

No 4D Prize Outlet Draw ID/Date Date Interval
1. 3999 Cons TOTO 5798/24
08/05/2024 (Wed)
80 days ago
2. 3999 1ST MAGNUM 005/24
02/03/2024 (Sat)
147 days ago
3. 3999 Spe SINGAPORE 5079
15/10/2023 (Sun)
286 days ago
4. 3999 Cons SINGAPORE 5004
23/04/2023 (Sun)
461 days ago
5. 3999 Spe SWEEP 4732/22
27/12/2022 (Tue)
578 days ago
6. 3999 Spe DAMACAI 3046
17/12/2022 (Sat)
588 days ago
7. 3999 Spe TOTO 5539/22
23/10/2022 (Sun)
643 days ago
8. 3999 SINGAPORE 4898
20/08/2022 (Sat)
707 days ago
9. 3999 Spe SINGAPORE 4827
06/03/2022 (Sun)
874 days ago
10. 3999 Cons SINGAPORE 4748
04/09/2021 (Sat)
1057 days ago
11. 3999 Spe TOTO 5212/20
16/12/2020 (Wed)
1319 days ago
12. 3999 Cons SWEEP 4361/20
25/11/2020 (Wed)
1340 days ago
13. 3999 Spe SINGAPORE 4518
29/12/2019 (Sun)
1672 days ago
14. 3999 Cons SANDAKAN 160/17
25/11/2017 (Sat)
2436 days ago
15. 3999 Spe DAMACAI 4519/17
28/03/2017 (Tue)
2678 days ago

16. 3999 Cons TOTO 4546/17
01/02/2017 (Wed)
2733 days ago
17. 3999 Cons DAMACAI 4472/16
25/12/2016 (Sun)
2771 days ago
18. 3999 Spe SABAH88 2528/16
14/08/2016 (Sun)
2904 days ago
19. 3999 Cons SABAH88 2459/16
23/03/2016 (Wed)
3048 days ago
20. 3999 Cons MAGNUM 600/16
20/02/2016 (Sat)
3080 days ago
21. 3999 Spe SANDAKAN 171/15
16/12/2015 (Wed)
3146 days ago
22. 3999 Spe TOTO 4333/15
28/11/2015 (Sat)
3164 days ago
23. 3999 2ND SABAH88 2256/15
07/02/2015 (Sat)
3458 days ago
24. 3999 Spe MAGNUM 338/14
07/09/2014 (Sun)
3611 days ago
25. 3999 Cons TOTO 4113/14
03/09/2014 (Wed)
3615 days ago
26. 3999 TOTO 4049/14
23/04/2014 (Wed)
3748 days ago
27. 3999 Spe MAGNUM 214/13
29/12/2013 (Sun)
3863 days ago
28. 3999 Cons SINGAPORE 3444
18/05/2013 (Sat)
4088 days ago
29. 3999 1ST TOTO 386313
06/04/2013 (Sat)
4130 days ago
30. 3999 Cons MAGNUM 639/10
05/10/2010 (Tue)
5044 days ago
31. 3999 Spe SWEEP 2483/10
27/03/2010 (Sat)
5236 days ago
32. 3999 Cons SWEEP 2318/09
18/04/2009 (Sat)
5579 days ago
33. 3999 Spe SINGAPORE 2729
16/11/2008 (Sun)
5732 days ago
34. 3999 Cons MAGNUM 289/08
05/10/2008 (Sun)
5774 days ago
35. 3999 Cons DAMACAI 2890/07
29/12/2007 (Sat)
6055 days ago
36. 3999 Spe SINGAPORE 2562
24/10/2007 (Wed)
6121 days ago
37. 3999 SWEEP 2015/07
16/06/2007 (Sat)
6251 days ago
38. 3999 Cons DAMACAI 2652/06
23/07/2006 (Sun)
6579 days ago
39. 3999 Spe SWEEP 1430/03
27/12/2003 (Sat)
7518 days ago
40. 3999 Cons DAMACAI 2143/03
23/07/2003 (Wed)
7675 days ago
41. 3999 Cons TOTO 212203
08/02/2003 (Sat)
7840 days ago
42. 3999 Cons SINGAPORE 1803
18/12/2002 (Wed)
7892 days ago
43. 3999 Spe SWEEP 1260/02
15/12/2002 (Sun)
7895 days ago
44. 3999 Cons SINGAPORE 1722
12/06/2002 (Wed)
8081 days ago
45. 3999 Spe TOTO 198602
10/04/2002 (Wed)
8144 days ago
46. 3999 Spe SWEEP 1048/01
08/09/2001 (Sat)
8358 days ago
47. 3999 Spe DAMACAI 1662/00
13/08/2000 (Sun)
8749 days ago
48. 3999 1ST SWEEP 0861/00
16/07/2000 (Sun)
8777 days ago
49. 3999 2ND SWEEP 0818/00
08/04/2000 (Sat)
8876 days ago
50. 3999 Cons DAMACAI 1535/99
30/10/1999 (Sat)
9037 days ago
51. 3999 Cons SWEEP 0700/99
18/07/1999 (Sun)
9141 days ago
52. 3999 Spe TOTO 121497
29/06/1997 (Sun)
9890 days ago
53. 3999 Spe TOTO 115997
22/02/1997 (Sat)
10017 days ago
54. 3999 Cons DAMACAI 0914/95
02/12/1995 (Sat)
10465 days ago
55. 3999 Spe MAGNUM 106/95
03/09/1995 (Sun)
10555 days ago
56. 3999 Spe MAGNUM 070/94
11/06/1994 (Sat)
11004 days ago
57. 3999 Cons MAGNUM 043/94
09/04/1994 (Sat)
11067 days ago
58. 3999 Spe MAGNUM 138/93
18/11/1993 (Thu)
11209 days ago
59. 3999 Spe MAGNUM 068/93
07/06/1993 (Mon)
11373 days ago
60. 3999 Cons MAGNUM 083/91
13/07/1991 (Sat)
12068 days ago
61. 3999 Spe MAGNUM 150/90
15/12/1990 (Sat)
12278 days ago
62. 3999 Spe MAGNUM 031/87
12/03/1987 (Thu)
13652 days ago

These results are extracted from

Analyzed Statistics For Number 3999


x62 hits

Predicted next on 04 Mar 2025 (Tue)

1st: 3 2nd: 2 3rd: 3

Special: 29 Consolation: 25

Odd digits: 4 (3,9,9,9) | Even digits: 0 ()
Lower digits: 1 (3) | Upper digits: 3 (9,9,9)
* Lower is 0 to 4, Upper is 5 to 9

Total of 62 Hits Since 12/03/1987 (Thu) /13652 days ago.
Average of 0.00454 Hits/Interval. (Bigger value is better)

Please note that these statistics are provided for reference purposes only. We do not assume any responsibility for decisions made based on this information.


4DPredict offers daily updates on the latest 4D results. Our team manually collects 4D Result data from each official outlet's website and consolidates it into one website for convenience. However, human error does occur sometimes. Please verify with the official website. Using machine learning techniques, we analyze each result and provide predictions to enhance your user experience.