Note: This website only show 4D Result. We do not sell numbers.

Check Past 4D Results by Entering Your Number


Enter number to check the past result. You can use the statistic for your reference to pick a good number.


Below is the generated past result with date.

No 4D Prize Outlet Draw ID/Date Date Interval
1. 4517 Cons TOTO 5818/24
22/06/2024 (Sat)
35 days ago
2. 4517 2ND SABAH88 3849/24
03/04/2024 (Wed)
115 days ago
3. 4517 SINGAPORE 5136
25/02/2024 (Sun)
153 days ago
4. 4517 Cons MAGNUM 952/23
08/11/2023 (Wed)
262 days ago
5. 4517 Spe SABAH88 3665/23
19/02/2023 (Sun)
524 days ago
6. 4517 Cons SINGAPORE 4769
23/10/2021 (Sat)
1008 days ago
7. 4517 Spe TOTO 5280/21
08/05/2021 (Sat)
1176 days ago
8. 4517 Spe SANDAKAN 051/20
18/07/2020 (Sat)
1470 days ago
9. 4517 Spe SWEEP 4300/20
12/07/2020 (Sun)
1476 days ago
10. 4517 Cons TOTO 5083/20
04/03/2020 (Wed)
1606 days ago
11. 4517 Spe MAGNUM 283/19
18/12/2019 (Wed)
1683 days ago
12. 4517 Cons MAGNUM 260/19
30/10/2019 (Wed)
1732 days ago
13. 4517 Cons DAMACAI 2607
26/10/2019 (Sat)
1736 days ago
14. 4517 Spe SINGAPORE 4445
13/07/2019 (Sat)
1841 days ago
15. 4517 Cons TOTO 4938/19
24/04/2019 (Wed)
1921 days ago

16. 4517 Spe TOTO 4837/18
25/09/2018 (Tue)
2132 days ago
17. 4517 Spe DAMACAI 2421
23/09/2018 (Sun)
2134 days ago
18. 4517 Cons SWEEP 3967/18
29/07/2018 (Sun)
2190 days ago
19. 4517 Cons MAGNUM 989/18
07/04/2018 (Sat)
2303 days ago
20. 4517 Cons SWEEP 3800/17
20/08/2017 (Sun)
2533 days ago
21. 4517 Spe MAGNUM 854/17
16/07/2017 (Sun)
2568 days ago
22. 4517 Spe SWEEP 3717/17
26/02/2017 (Sun)
2708 days ago
23. 4517 Cons SWEEP 3619
14/08/2016 (Sun)
2904 days ago
24. 4517 Spe MAGNUM 648/16
25/05/2016 (Wed)
2985 days ago
25. 4517 Cons SWEEP 3574
11/05/2016 (Wed)
2999 days ago
26. 4517 Spe SABAH88 2480/16
07/05/2016 (Sat)
3003 days ago
27. 4517 Cons SABAH88 2197/14
07/10/2014 (Tue)
3581 days ago
28. 4517 Cons TOTO 3940/13
14/09/2013 (Sat)
3969 days ago
29. 4517 Spe SWEEP 3045/13
25/05/2013 (Sat)
4081 days ago
30. 4517 Cons MAGNUM 083/13
31/03/2013 (Sun)
4136 days ago
31. 4517 1ST SABAH88 189313
26/01/2013 (Sat)
4200 days ago
32. 4517 2ND SABAH88 186412
28/11/2012 (Wed)
4259 days ago
33. 4517 Spe SWEEP 2687/11
21/05/2011 (Sat)
4816 days ago
34. 4517 Cons SINGAPORE 3000
11/08/2010 (Wed)
5099 days ago
35. 4517 Cons DAMACAI 2985/08
30/07/2008 (Wed)
5841 days ago
36. 4517 Spe MAGNUM 163/07
19/12/2007 (Wed)
6065 days ago
37. 4517 1ST TOTO 293107
01/12/2007 (Sat)
6083 days ago
38. 4517 Cons TOTO 284307
19/05/2007 (Sat)
6279 days ago
39. 4517 Cons MAGNUM 025/07
24/02/2007 (Sat)
6363 days ago
40. 4517 Spe SWEEP 1909/06
01/11/2006 (Wed)
6478 days ago
41. 4517 Cons SINGAPORE 2329
29/04/2006 (Sat)
6664 days ago
42. 4517 Cons DAMACAI 2610/06
25/04/2006 (Tue)
6668 days ago
43. 4517 Spe MAGNUM 149/04
12/12/2004 (Sun)
7167 days ago
44. 4517 DAMACAI 2214/03
24/12/2003 (Wed)
7521 days ago
45. 4517 Spe MAGNUM 144/03
30/11/2003 (Sun)
7545 days ago
46. 4517 Cons SWEEP 1388/03
27/09/2003 (Sat)
7609 days ago
47. 4517 Spe SWEEP 1322/03
03/05/2003 (Sat)
7756 days ago
48. 4517 Spe MAGNUM 044/02
13/04/2002 (Sat)
8141 days ago
49. 4517 Cons MAGNUM 070/01
13/06/2001 (Wed)
8445 days ago
50. 4517 Cons MAGNUM 064/01
30/05/2001 (Wed)
8459 days ago
51. 4517 Spe MAGNUM 062/01
26/05/2001 (Sat)
8463 days ago
52. 4517 Spe DAMACAI 0954/96
03/03/1996 (Sun)
10373 days ago
53. 4517 Cons TOTO 77894
18/09/1994 (Sun)
10905 days ago
54. 4517 Spe DAMACAI 0554/93
14/08/1993 (Sat)
11305 days ago
55. 4517 Spe MAGNUM 053/92
02/05/1992 (Sat)
11774 days ago
56. 4517 Spe MAGNUM 113/91
21/09/1991 (Sat)
11998 days ago

These results are extracted from

Analyzed Statistics For Number 4517


x56 hits

Predicted next on 26 Feb 2025 (Wed)

1st: 2 2nd: 2 3rd: 2

Special: 25 Consolation: 25

Total of 56 Hits Since 21/09/1991 (Sat) /11998 days ago.
Average of 0.00467 Hits/Interval. (Bigger value is better)

Please note that these statistics are provided for reference purposes only. We do not assume any responsibility for decisions made based on this information.


4DPredict offers daily updates on the latest 4D results. Our team manually collects 4D Result data from each official outlet's website and consolidates it into one website for convenience. However, human error does occur sometimes. Please verify with the official website. Using machine learning techniques, we analyze each result and provide predictions to enhance your user experience.