Note: This website only show 4D Result. We do not sell numbers.

Check Past 4D Results by Entering Your Number


Enter number to check the past result. You can use the statistic for your reference to pick a good number.


Below is the generated past result with date.

No 4D Prize Outlet Draw ID/Date Date Interval
1. 6010 Spe DAMACAI 3307
13/07/2024 (Sat)
14 days ago
2. 6010 Cons DAMACAI 3195
08/11/2023 (Wed)
262 days ago
3. 6010 Spe TOTO 5658/23
02/07/2023 (Sun)
391 days ago
4. 6010 Cons SANDAKAN 061/23
14/05/2023 (Sun)
440 days ago
5. 6010 Spe SWEEP 4769/23
15/03/2023 (Wed)
500 days ago
6. 6010 Spe SWEEP 4763/23
04/03/2023 (Sat)
511 days ago
7. 6010 SANDAKAN 024/23
19/02/2023 (Sun)
524 days ago
8. 6010 Cons SANDAKAN 153/22
13/11/2022 (Sun)
622 days ago
9. 6010 Spe DAMACAI 2991
28/08/2022 (Sun)
699 days ago
10. 6010 Cons TOTO 5494/22
26/07/2022 (Tue)
732 days ago
11. 6010 Spe SINGAPORE 4811
29/01/2022 (Sat)
910 days ago
12. 6010 Cons SABAH88 3416/21
28/09/2021 (Tue)
1033 days ago
13. 6010 Spe TOTO 5161/20
29/08/2020 (Sat)
1428 days ago
14. 6010 Spe DAMACAI 2662
19/02/2020 (Wed)
1620 days ago
15. 6010 Spe SWEEP 4221/20
21/01/2020 (Tue)
1649 days ago

16. 6010 Cons SANDAKAN 165/19
25/12/2019 (Wed)
1676 days ago
17. 6010 Spe SANDAKAN 106/19
20/08/2019 (Tue)
1803 days ago
18. 6010 Spe TOTO 4910/19
20/02/2019 (Wed)
1984 days ago
19. 6010 Spe MAGNUM 035/18
11/07/2018 (Wed)
2208 days ago
20. 6010 Spe SWEEP 3949/18
23/06/2018 (Sat)
2226 days ago
21. 6010 Spe MAGNUM 902/17
18/10/2017 (Wed)
2474 days ago
22. 6010 Spe SANDAKAN 022/17
08/02/2017 (Wed)
2726 days ago
23. 6010 Spe DAMACAI 4478/17
04/01/2017 (Wed)
2761 days ago
24. 6010 Spe SABAH88 2590/16
21/12/2016 (Wed)
2775 days ago
25. 6010 Cons SABAH88 2530/16
17/08/2016 (Wed)
2901 days ago
26. 6010 Cons SINGAPORE 3855
02/01/2016 (Sat)
3129 days ago
27. 6010 2ND SABAH88 2344/15
05/08/2015 (Wed)
3279 days ago
28. 6010 Spe MAGNUM 456/15
03/05/2015 (Sun)
3373 days ago
29. 6010 Spe DAMACAI 4167/15
07/04/2015 (Tue)
3399 days ago
30. 6010 Spe TOTO 4216/15
31/03/2015 (Tue)
3406 days ago
31. 6010 Cons SWEEP 3267/14
26/08/2014 (Tue)
3623 days ago
32. 6010 Cons SABAH88 2127/14
11/05/2014 (Sun)
3730 days ago
33. 6010 Cons SANDAKAN 064/14
06/05/2014 (Tue)
3735 days ago
34. 6010 Spe TOTO 4017/14
16/02/2014 (Sun)
3814 days ago
35. 6010 Cons TOTO 3986/13
18/12/2013 (Wed)
3874 days ago
36. 6010 Cons SANDAKAN 159/13
23/11/2013 (Sat)
3899 days ago
37. 6010 Cons DAMACAI 3882/13
03/09/2013 (Tue)
3980 days ago
38. 6010 Cons TOTO 3924/13
13/08/2013 (Tue)
4001 days ago
39. 6010 Spe SINGAPORE 3422
27/03/2013 (Wed)
4140 days ago
40. 6010 Cons SABAH88 191613
10/03/2013 (Sun)
4157 days ago
41. 6010 2ND SABAH88 191213
03/03/2013 (Sun)
4164 days ago
42. 6010 Cons MAGNUM 054/13
03/02/2013 (Sun)
4192 days ago
43. 6010 Cons SINGAPORE 3229
18/01/2012 (Wed)
4574 days ago
44. 6010 Cons DAMACAI 3420/11
30/01/2011 (Sun)
4927 days ago
45. 6010 Cons SINGAPORE 3052
05/12/2010 (Sun)
4983 days ago
46. 6010 Spe MAGNUM 570/10
12/05/2010 (Wed)
5190 days ago
47. 6010 Spe MAGNUM 556/10
14/04/2010 (Wed)
5218 days ago
48. 6010 Cons SINGAPORE 2912
17/01/2010 (Sun)
5305 days ago
49. 6010 Spe MAGNUM 293/08
15/10/2008 (Wed)
5764 days ago
50. 6010 Spe SINGAPORE 2096
31/10/2004 (Sun)
7209 days ago
51. 6010 Cons DAMACAI 2333/04
12/09/2004 (Sun)
7258 days ago
52. 6010 Spe MAGNUM 044/04
11/04/2004 (Sun)
7412 days ago
53. 6010 1ST MAGNUM 099/03
17/08/2003 (Sun)
7650 days ago
54. 6010 Spe TOTO 213803
16/03/2003 (Sun)
7804 days ago
55. 6010 Spe SWEEP 1158/02
04/05/2002 (Sat)
8120 days ago
56. 6010 2ND MAGNUM 029/02
09/03/2002 (Sat)
8176 days ago
57. 6010 Cons TOTO 192101
18/11/2001 (Sun)
8287 days ago
58. 6010 Spe DAMACAI 1836/01
05/09/2001 (Wed)
8361 days ago
59. 6010 Cons TOTO 181001
10/03/2001 (Sat)
8540 days ago
60. 6010 Spe SWEEP 0889/00
17/09/2000 (Sun)
8714 days ago
61. 6010 Spe SINGAPORE 1449
15/04/2000 (Sat)
8869 days ago
62. 6010 Cons MAGNUM 013/00
29/01/2000 (Sat)
8946 days ago
63. 6010 Spe SWEEP 0427/97
05/11/1997 (Wed)
9761 days ago
64. 6010 Spe MAGNUM 055/96
08/05/1996 (Wed)
10307 days ago
65. 6010 Cons DAMACAI 0934/96
17/01/1996 (Wed)
10419 days ago
66. 6010 Spe TOTO 89695
18/06/1995 (Sun)
10632 days ago
67. 6010 Cons MAGNUM 142/94
26/11/1994 (Sat)
10836 days ago
68. 6010 Cons TOTO 80294
12/11/1994 (Sat)
10850 days ago
69. 6010 Spe DAMACAI 0320/92
15/02/1992 (Sat)
11851 days ago
70. 6010 Spe DAMACAI 0095/90
28/07/1990 (Sat)
12418 days ago
71. 6010 MAGNUM 155/88
26/12/1988 (Mon)
12997 days ago
72. 6010 Cons MAGNUM 137/88
14/11/1988 (Mon)
13039 days ago
73. 6010 Spe MAGNUM 111/88
15/09/1988 (Thu)
13099 days ago
74. 6010 Spe MAGNUM 029/87
07/03/1987 (Sat)
13657 days ago

These results are extracted from

Analyzed Statistics For Number 6010


x74 hits

Predicted next on 28 Jan 2025 (Tue)

1st: 1 2nd: 3 3rd: 2

Special: 39 Consolation: 29

Total of 74 Hits Since 07/03/1987 (Sat) /13657 days ago.
Average of 0.00542 Hits/Interval. (Bigger value is better)

Please note that these statistics are provided for reference purposes only. We do not assume any responsibility for decisions made based on this information.


4DPredict offers daily updates on the latest 4D results. Our team manually collects 4D Result data from each official outlet's website and consolidates it into one website for convenience. However, human error does occur sometimes. Please verify with the official website. Using machine learning techniques, we analyze each result and provide predictions to enhance your user experience.