Note: This website only show 4D Result. We do not sell numbers.

Check Past 4D Results by Entering Your Number


Enter number to check the past result. You can use the statistic for your reference to pick a good number.


Below is the generated past result with date.

No 4D Prize Outlet Draw ID/Date Date Interval
1. 7119 1ST MAGNUM 057/24
25/06/2024 (Tue)
32 days ago
2. 7119 Spe DAMACAI 3243
21/02/2024 (Wed)
157 days ago
3. 7119 Cons SINGAPORE 5130
11/02/2024 (Sun)
167 days ago
4. 7119 Spe SINGAPORE 5030
24/06/2023 (Sat)
399 days ago
5. 7119 Spe SANDAKAN 013/23
28/01/2023 (Sat)
546 days ago
6. 7119 Spe SWEEP 4727/22
18/12/2022 (Sun)
587 days ago
7. 7119 SWEEP 4705/22
06/11/2022 (Sun)
629 days ago
8. 7119 Cons SABAH88 3496/22
12/03/2022 (Sat)
868 days ago
9. 7119 Spe SANDAKAN 017/21
27/02/2021 (Sat)
1246 days ago
10. 7119 Spe MAGNUM 467/21
27/01/2021 (Wed)
1277 days ago
11. 7119 Cons TOTO 5221/21
06/01/2021 (Wed)
1298 days ago
12. 7119 Spe DAMACAI 2757
16/12/2020 (Wed)
1319 days ago
13. 7119 Spe SWEEP 4367/20
06/12/2020 (Sun)
1329 days ago
14. 7119 Spe DAMACAI 2723
04/10/2020 (Sun)
1392 days ago
15. 7119 Cons SINGAPORE 4582
12/08/2020 (Wed)
1445 days ago

16. 7119 Cons SABAH88 3116/19
25/12/2019 (Wed)
1676 days ago
17. 7119 Spe TOTO 4973/19
13/07/2019 (Sat)
1841 days ago
18. 7119 Cons SWEEP 4128/19
03/07/2019 (Wed)
1851 days ago
19. 7119 Cons SWEEP 3921/18
21/04/2018 (Sat)
2289 days ago
20. 7119 Cons SWEEP 3830/17
21/10/2017 (Sat)
2471 days ago
21. 7119 Spe DAMACAI 4523/17
04/04/2017 (Tue)
2671 days ago
22. 7119 Cons SINGAPORE 4062
29/01/2017 (Sun)
2736 days ago
23. 7119 Spe SWEEP 3697/17
18/01/2017 (Wed)
2747 days ago
24. 7119 Cons DAMACAI 4262/15
24/10/2015 (Sat)
3199 days ago
25. 7119 Spe SINGAPORE 3787
26/07/2015 (Sun)
3289 days ago
26. 7119 Cons DAMACAI 4168/15
08/04/2015 (Wed)
3398 days ago
27. 7119 Cons SANDAKAN 11/14
22/01/2014 (Wed)
3839 days ago
28. 7119 Cons SANDAKAN 122/13
04/09/2013 (Wed)
3979 days ago
29. 7119 Spe DAMACAI 3872/13
14/08/2013 (Wed)
4000 days ago
30. 7119 Spe TOTO 3886/13
25/05/2013 (Sat)
4081 days ago
31. 7119 Spe TOTO 386313
06/04/2013 (Sat)
4130 days ago
32. 7119 Spe SINGAPORE 3411
02/03/2013 (Sat)
4165 days ago
33. 7119 1ST SABAH88 177912
03/06/2012 (Sun)
4437 days ago
34. 7119 Cons SABAH88 175912
22/04/2012 (Sun)
4479 days ago
35. 7119 Spe TOTO 366212
22/02/2012 (Wed)
4539 days ago
36. 7119 2ND SWEEP 2817/12
12/02/2012 (Sun)
4549 days ago
37. 7119 Cons DAMACAI 3516/11
17/08/2011 (Wed)
4728 days ago
38. 7119 Cons DAMACAI 3393/10
04/12/2010 (Sat)
4984 days ago
39. 7119 Cons SWEEP 2532/10
04/07/2010 (Sun)
5137 days ago
40. 7119 Spe DAMACAI 3298/10
19/05/2010 (Wed)
5183 days ago
41. 7119 Spe TOTO 333910
25/04/2010 (Sun)
5207 days ago
42. 7119 Spe SWEEP 2292/09
22/02/2009 (Sun)
5634 days ago
43. 7119 Cons SINGAPORE 2750
04/01/2009 (Sun)
5683 days ago
44. 7119 Spe DAMACAI 2988/08
06/08/2008 (Wed)
5834 days ago
45. 7119 Cons DAMACAI 2884/07
15/12/2007 (Sat)
6069 days ago
46. 7119 Spe DAMACAI 2831/07
18/08/2007 (Sat)
6188 days ago
47. 7119 1ST DAMACAI 2829/07
14/08/2007 (Tue)
6192 days ago
48. 7119 Spe TOTO 265606
09/04/2006 (Sun)
6684 days ago
49. 7119 Cons SWEEP 1653/05
27/04/2005 (Wed)
7031 days ago
50. 7119 Spe TOTO 244605
23/01/2005 (Sun)
7125 days ago
51. 7119 Cons SWEEP 1395/03
11/10/2003 (Sat)
7595 days ago
52. 7119 Cons TOTO 220503
13/08/2003 (Wed)
7654 days ago
53. 7119 Cons SINGAPORE 1857
23/04/2003 (Wed)
7766 days ago
54. 7119 2ND MAGNUM 001/02
02/01/2002 (Wed)
8242 days ago
55. 7119 Spe MAGNUM 126/01
21/10/2001 (Sun)
8315 days ago
56. 7119 Cons DAMACAI 1797/01
10/06/2001 (Sun)
8448 days ago
57. 7119 Cons SWEEP 1007/01
09/06/2001 (Sat)
8449 days ago
58. 7119 Spe TOTO 181601
24/03/2001 (Sat)
8526 days ago
59. 7119 Spe SINGAPORE 1567
10/03/2001 (Sat)
8540 days ago
60. 7119 Cons DAMACAI 1698/00
01/11/2000 (Wed)
8669 days ago
61. 7119 SWEEP 0888/00
16/09/2000 (Sat)
8715 days ago
62. 7119 Cons MAGNUM 022/97
19/02/1997 (Wed)
10020 days ago
63. 7119 Cons TOTO 112496
01/12/1996 (Sun)
10100 days ago
64. 7119 1ST TOTO 99596
04/02/1996 (Sun)
10401 days ago
65. 7119 Cons MAGNUM 112/93
18/09/1993 (Sat)
11270 days ago
66. 7119 Cons DAMACAI 0435/92
08/11/1992 (Sun)
11584 days ago
67. 7119 Cons MAGNUM 115/92
24/09/1992 (Thu)
11629 days ago
68. 7119 Spe MAGNUM 107/92
05/09/1992 (Sat)
11648 days ago
69. 7119 Spe MAGNUM 099/92
17/08/1992 (Mon)
11667 days ago
70. 7119 Spe MAGNUM 106/87
03/09/1987 (Thu)
13477 days ago
71. 7119 Cons MAGNUM 028/86
06/03/1986 (Thu)
14023 days ago

These results are extracted from

Analyzed Statistics For Number 7119


x71 hits

Predicted next on 10 Feb 2025 (Mon)

1st: 4 2nd: 2 3rd: 2

Special: 31 Consolation: 32

Total of 71 Hits Since 06/03/1986 (Thu) /14023 days ago.
Average of 0.00506 Hits/Interval. (Bigger value is better)

Please note that these statistics are provided for reference purposes only. We do not assume any responsibility for decisions made based on this information.


4DPredict offers daily updates on the latest 4D results. Our team manually collects 4D Result data from each official outlet's website and consolidates it into one website for convenience. However, human error does occur sometimes. Please verify with the official website. Using machine learning techniques, we analyze each result and provide predictions to enhance your user experience.