Note: This website only show 4D Result. We do not sell numbers.

Check Past 4D Results by Entering Your Number


Enter number to check the past result. You can use the statistic for your reference to pick a good number.


Below is the generated past result with date.

No 4D Prize Outlet Draw ID/Date Date Interval
1. 7175 Spe SABAH88 3899/24
24/07/2024 (Wed)
3 days ago
2. 7175 Cons DAMACAI 3281
18/05/2024 (Sat)
70 days ago
3. 7175 Spe TOTO 5602/23
26/02/2023 (Sun)
517 days ago
4. 7175 Cons DAMACAI 3030
16/11/2022 (Wed)
619 days ago
5. 7175 Cons TOTO 5482/22
02/07/2022 (Sat)
756 days ago
6. 7175 Cons SINGAPORE 4758
26/09/2021 (Sun)
1035 days ago
7. 7175 Cons TOTO 5276/21
28/04/2021 (Wed)
1186 days ago
8. 7175 Cons MAGNUM 486/21
03/03/2021 (Wed)
1242 days ago
9. 7175 SABAH88 3278/20
16/12/2020 (Wed)
1319 days ago
10. 7175 Cons TOTO 5142/20
15/07/2020 (Wed)
1473 days ago
11. 7175 Spe DAMACAI 2664
23/02/2020 (Sun)
1616 days ago
12. 7175 SINGAPORE 4527
19/01/2020 (Sun)
1651 days ago
13. 7175 Spe TOTO 4977/19
21/07/2019 (Sun)
1833 days ago
14. 7175 Cons SANDAKAN 068/19
29/05/2019 (Wed)
1886 days ago
15. 7175 Cons SWEEP 4051/19
16/01/2019 (Wed)
2019 days ago

16. 7175 Cons TOTO 4773/18
13/05/2018 (Sun)
2267 days ago
17. 7175 1ST SINGAPORE 4155
06/09/2017 (Wed)
2516 days ago
18. 7175 Cons MAGNUM 859/17
26/07/2017 (Wed)
2558 days ago
19. 7175 Spe TOTO 4521/16
17/12/2016 (Sat)
2779 days ago
20. 7175 Cons SWEEP 3652/16
19/10/2016 (Wed)
2838 days ago
21. 7175 Spe TOTO 4487/16
08/10/2016 (Sat)
2849 days ago
22. 7175 Spe DAMACAI 4277/15
22/11/2015 (Sun)
3170 days ago
23. 7175 Cons MAGNUM 357/14
18/10/2014 (Sat)
3570 days ago
24. 7175 Cons SWEEP 3239/14
25/06/2014 (Wed)
3685 days ago
25. 7175 Spe DAMACAI 3876/13
24/08/2013 (Sat)
3990 days ago
26. 7175 Spe SABAH88 1945
08/05/2013 (Wed)
4098 days ago
27. 7175 1ST SANDAKAN 65/13
08/05/2013 (Wed)
4098 days ago
28. 7175 Cons TOTO 385913
30/03/2013 (Sat)
4137 days ago
29. 7175 Spe TOTO 382313
19/01/2013 (Sat)
4207 days ago
30. 7175 Cons MAGNUM 889/12
03/03/2012 (Sat)
4529 days ago
31. 7175 Cons SINGAPORE 3113
24/04/2011 (Sun)
4843 days ago
32. 7175 Cons DAMACAI 3402/10
25/12/2010 (Sat)
4963 days ago
33. 7175 SWEEP 2406/09
18/10/2009 (Sun)
5396 days ago
34. 7175 Cons DAMACAI 3117/09
16/05/2009 (Sat)
5551 days ago
35. 7175 Spe DAMACAI 2773/07
14/04/2007 (Sat)
6314 days ago
36. 7175 Spe TOTO 278007
03/01/2007 (Wed)
6415 days ago
37. 7175 Spe MAGNUM 028/06
05/03/2006 (Sun)
6719 days ago
38. 7175 Spe TOTO 244405
19/01/2005 (Wed)
7129 days ago
39. 7175 Spe SINGAPORE 1808
29/12/2002 (Sun)
7881 days ago
40. 7175 Spe SINGAPORE 1758
04/09/2002 (Wed)
7997 days ago
41. 7175 Spe SWEEP 1192/02
17/07/2002 (Wed)
8046 days ago
42. 7175 Cons SWEEP 1146/02
07/04/2002 (Sun)
8147 days ago
43. 7175 Cons SINGAPORE 1688
24/03/2002 (Sun)
8161 days ago
44. 7175 Spe TOTO 196602
24/02/2002 (Sun)
8189 days ago
45. 7175 1ST SWEEP 1051/01
15/09/2001 (Sat)
8351 days ago
46. 7175 Cons MAGNUM 063/01
27/05/2001 (Sun)
8462 days ago
47. 7175 2ND SWEEP 0945/01
17/01/2001 (Wed)
8592 days ago
48. 7175 Cons MAGNUM 145/00
02/12/2000 (Sat)
8638 days ago
49. 7175 Spe SINGAPORE 1452
23/04/2000 (Sun)
8861 days ago
50. 7175 Cons MAGNUM 147/99
08/12/1999 (Wed)
8998 days ago
51. 7175 Cons TOTO 151199
12/05/1999 (Wed)
9208 days ago
52. 7175 Cons TOTO 148699
20/03/1999 (Sat)
9261 days ago
53. 7175 Spe DAMACAI 1422/99
24/02/1999 (Wed)
9285 days ago
54. 7175 Cons DAMACAI 1369/98
28/10/1998 (Wed)
9404 days ago
55. 7175 Cons DAMACAI 1304/98
30/05/1998 (Sat)
9555 days ago
56. 7175 Spe SWEEP 0429/97
09/11/1997 (Sun)
9757 days ago
57. 7175 Spe TOTO 107396
04/08/1996 (Sun)
10219 days ago
58. 7175 Cons MAGNUM 054/96
05/05/1996 (Sun)
10310 days ago
59. 7175 Cons TOTO 95695
05/11/1995 (Sun)
10492 days ago
60. 7175 Cons DAMACAI 0714/94
21/08/1994 (Sun)
10933 days ago
61. 7175 2ND MAGNUM 101/93
23/08/1993 (Mon)
11296 days ago
62. 7175 Spe TOTO 59993
28/07/1993 (Wed)
11322 days ago
63. 7175 Cons TOTO 55993
25/04/1993 (Sun)
11416 days ago
64. 7175 Cons MAGNUM 096/92
10/08/1992 (Mon)
11674 days ago
65. 7175 2ND MAGNUM 084/92
13/07/1992 (Mon)
11702 days ago
66. 7175 Spe MAGNUM 101/91
24/08/1991 (Sat)
12026 days ago
67. 7175 2ND MAGNUM 133/90
05/11/1990 (Mon)
12318 days ago
68. 7175 Cons MAGNUM 150/87
13/12/1987 (Sun)
13376 days ago
69. 7175 Spe MAGNUM 080/87
04/07/1987 (Sat)
13538 days ago
70. 7175 Cons MAGNUM 140/86
22/11/1986 (Sat)
13762 days ago
71. 7175 Cons MAGNUM 095/86
09/08/1986 (Sat)
13867 days ago

These results are extracted from

Analyzed Statistics For Number 7175


x71 hits

Predicted next on 07 Feb 2025 (Fri)

1st: 3 2nd: 4 3rd: 3

Special: 25 Consolation: 36

Total of 71 Hits Since 09/08/1986 (Sat) /13867 days ago.
Average of 0.00512 Hits/Interval. (Bigger value is better)

Please note that these statistics are provided for reference purposes only. We do not assume any responsibility for decisions made based on this information.


4DPredict offers daily updates on the latest 4D results. Our team manually collects 4D Result data from each official outlet's website and consolidates it into one website for convenience. However, human error does occur sometimes. Please verify with the official website. Using machine learning techniques, we analyze each result and provide predictions to enhance your user experience.