Note: This website only show 4D Result. We do not sell numbers.

Check Past 4D Results by Entering Your Number


Enter number to check the past result. You can use the statistic for your reference to pick a good number.


Below is the generated past result with date.

No 4D Prize Outlet Draw ID/Date Date Interval
1. 7613 Spe SANDAKAN 029/24
03/03/2024 (Sun)
146 days ago
2. 7613 Spe SABAH88 3789/23
25/11/2023 (Sat)
245 days ago
3. 7613 Spe TOTO 5666/23
19/07/2023 (Wed)
374 days ago
4. 7613 Spe SWEEP 4819/23
05/07/2023 (Wed)
388 days ago
5. 7613 1ST TOTO 5600/23
22/02/2023 (Wed)
521 days ago
6. 7613 Cons TOTO 5536/22
18/10/2022 (Tue)
648 days ago
7. 7613 Cons SINGAPORE 4861
25/05/2022 (Wed)
794 days ago
8. 7613 Cons SANDAKAN 017/22
05/02/2022 (Sat)
903 days ago
9. 7613 Spe TOTO 5387/21
11/12/2021 (Sat)
959 days ago
10. 7613 Spe SANDAKAN 117/20
23/12/2020 (Wed)
1312 days ago
11. 7613 Cons SANDAKAN 012/19
27/01/2019 (Sun)
2008 days ago
12. 7613 Spe MAGNUM 100/18
18/11/2018 (Sun)
2078 days ago
13. 7613 Cons SINGAPORE 4269
27/05/2018 (Sun)
2253 days ago
14. 7613 2ND SANDAKAN 011/18
24/01/2018 (Wed)
2376 days ago
15. 7613 Cons DAMACAI 4625/17
04/11/2017 (Sat)
2457 days ago

16. 7613 SANDAKAN 111/17
16/08/2017 (Wed)
2537 days ago
17. 7613 2ND TOTO 4548/17
05/02/2017 (Sun)
2729 days ago
18. 7613 Spe SWEEP 3645
08/10/2016 (Sat)
2849 days ago
19. 7613 Spe SABAH88 2368/15
27/09/2015 (Sun)
3226 days ago
20. 7613 Spe SANDAKAN 132/15
27/09/2015 (Sun)
3226 days ago
21. 7613 Spe MAGNUM 482/15
27/06/2015 (Sat)
3318 days ago
22. 7613 Cons TOTO 4224/15
15/04/2015 (Wed)
3391 days ago
23. 7613 Cons MAGNUM 393/14
30/12/2014 (Tue)
3497 days ago
24. 7613 1ST SABAH88 2028/13
30/10/2013 (Wed)
3923 days ago
25. 7613 Spe SINGAPORE 3500
25/09/2013 (Wed)
3958 days ago
26. 7613 Cons TOTO 3930/13
25/08/2013 (Sun)
3989 days ago
27. 7613 Cons MAGNUM 141/13
31/07/2013 (Wed)
4014 days ago
28. 7613 Spe DAMACAI 3847/13
23/06/2013 (Sun)
4052 days ago
29. 7613 Cons SINGAPORE 3450
01/06/2013 (Sat)
4074 days ago
30. 7613 Spe SABAH88 184312
17/10/2012 (Wed)
4301 days ago
31. 7613 Cons MAGNUM 940/12
17/06/2012 (Sun)
4423 days ago
32. 7613 Cons TOTO 364412
18/01/2012 (Wed)
4574 days ago
33. 7613 Cons DAMACAI 3536/11
28/09/2011 (Wed)
4686 days ago
34. 7613 1ST TOTO 351711
27/04/2011 (Wed)
4840 days ago
35. 7613 Spe DAMACAI 3422/11
02/02/2011 (Wed)
4924 days ago
36. 7613 Cons SWEEP 2429/09
06/12/2009 (Sun)
5347 days ago
37. 7613 Spe SWEEP 2416/09
11/11/2009 (Wed)
5372 days ago
38. 7613 Spe SINGAPORE 2814
03/06/2009 (Wed)
5533 days ago
39. 7613 Spe MAGNUM 378/09
15/04/2009 (Wed)
5582 days ago
40. 7613 Spe SWEEP 2293/09
25/02/2009 (Wed)
5631 days ago
41. 7613 Spe SWEEP 2276/09
21/01/2009 (Wed)
5666 days ago
42. 7613 1ST TOTO 303508
23/07/2008 (Wed)
5848 days ago
43. 7613 Cons MAGNUM 195/08
01/03/2008 (Sat)
5992 days ago
44. 7613 Cons SWEEP 2113/08
16/01/2008 (Wed)
6037 days ago
45. 7613 Spe MAGNUM 076/07
16/06/2007 (Sat)
6251 days ago
46. 7613 Spe MAGNUM 021/07
17/02/2007 (Sat)
6370 days ago
47. 7613 Cons TOTO 256305
27/09/2005 (Tue)
6878 days ago
48. 7613 Cons MAGNUM 094/05
06/08/2005 (Sat)
6930 days ago
49. 7613 Cons TOTO 245705
13/02/2005 (Sun)
7104 days ago
50. 7613 Spe SWEEP 1512/04
03/07/2004 (Sat)
7329 days ago
51. 7613 1ST MAGNUM 105/03
31/08/2003 (Sun)
7636 days ago
52. 7613 MAGNUM 001/03
01/01/2003 (Wed)
7878 days ago
53. 7613 Spe TOTO 207602
30/10/2002 (Wed)
7941 days ago
54. 7613 Cons DAMACAI 1961/02
15/06/2002 (Sat)
8078 days ago
55. 7613 2ND MAGNUM 103/01
29/08/2001 (Wed)
8368 days ago
56. 7613 Cons SWEEP 1014/01
24/06/2001 (Sun)
8434 days ago
57. 7613 Cons DAMACAI 1635/00
11/06/2000 (Sun)
8812 days ago
58. 7613 Spe SWEEP 0826/00
26/04/2000 (Wed)
8858 days ago
59. 7613 Spe MAGNUM 010/99
23/01/1999 (Sat)
9317 days ago
60. 7613 Cons DAMACAI 1391/98
13/12/1998 (Sun)
9358 days ago
61. 7613 Cons DAMACAI 1352/98
19/09/1998 (Sat)
9443 days ago
62. 7613 Cons SWEEP 0525/98
21/06/1998 (Sun)
9533 days ago
63. 7613 Cons SWEEP 0507/98
10/05/1998 (Sun)
9575 days ago
64. 7613 Cons MAGNUM 118/97
01/10/1997 (Wed)
9796 days ago
65. 7613 Cons DAMACAI 0987/96
19/05/1996 (Sun)
10296 days ago
66. 7613 1ST TOTO 97495
17/12/1995 (Sun)
10450 days ago
67. 7613 Spe TOTO 85195
05/03/1995 (Sun)
10737 days ago
68. 7613 Spe DAMACAI 0781/95
25/01/1995 (Wed)
10776 days ago
69. 7613 Spe TOTO 77294
04/09/1994 (Sun)
10919 days ago
70. 7613 Spe DAMACAI 0690/94
26/06/1994 (Sun)
10989 days ago
71. 7613 Spe DAMACAI 0502/93
14/04/1993 (Wed)
11427 days ago
72. 7613 Cons DAMACAI 0438/92
15/11/1992 (Sun)
11577 days ago
73. 7613 1ST DAMACAI 0435/92
08/11/1992 (Sun)
11584 days ago
74. 7613 Spe DAMACAI 0331/92
11/03/1992 (Wed)
11826 days ago
75. 7613 Spe MAGNUM 037/91
28/03/1991 (Thu)
12175 days ago
76. 7613 Spe MAGNUM 101/90
23/08/1990 (Thu)
12392 days ago
77. 7613 Cons MAGNUM 069/89
10/06/1989 (Sat)
12831 days ago
78. 7613 Spe MAGNUM 113/88
19/09/1988 (Mon)
13095 days ago
79. 7613 Cons MAGNUM 075/86
22/06/1986 (Sun)
13915 days ago

These results are extracted from

Analyzed Statistics For Number 7613


x79 hits

Predicted next on 19 Jan 2025 (Sun)

1st: 7 2nd: 3 3rd: 2

Special: 35 Consolation: 32

Odd digits: 3 (7,1,3) | Even digits: 1 (6)
Lower digits: 2 (1,3) | Upper digits: 2 (7,6)
* Lower is 0 to 4, Upper is 5 to 9

Total of 79 Hits Since 22/06/1986 (Sun) /13915 days ago.
Average of 0.00568 Hits/Interval. (Bigger value is better)

Please note that these statistics are provided for reference purposes only. We do not assume any responsibility for decisions made based on this information.


4DPredict offers daily updates on the latest 4D results. Our team manually collects 4D Result data from each official outlet's website and consolidates it into one website for convenience. However, human error does occur sometimes. Please verify with the official website. Using machine learning techniques, we analyze each result and provide predictions to enhance your user experience.