Note: This website only show 4D Result. We do not sell numbers.

Check Past 4D Results by Entering Your Number


Enter number to check the past result. You can use the statistic for your reference to pick a good number.


Below is the generated past result with date.

No 4D Prize Outlet Draw ID/Date Date Interval
1. 8605 Spe SINGAPORE 5169
12/05/2024 (Sun)
76 days ago
2. 8605 1ST TOTO 5770/24
05/03/2024 (Tue)
144 days ago
3. 8605 Spe SABAH88 3808/24
06/01/2024 (Sat)
203 days ago
4. 8605 Spe SINGAPORE 5029
21/06/2023 (Wed)
402 days ago
5. 8605 Cons SANDAKAN 109/22
14/08/2022 (Sun)
713 days ago
6. 8605 Spe SWEEP 4658/22
03/08/2022 (Wed)
724 days ago
7. 8605 Spe SWEEP 4633/22
15/06/2022 (Wed)
773 days ago
8. 8605 Spe MAGNUM 688/22
30/04/2022 (Sat)
819 days ago
9. 8605 Cons TOTO 5086/20
11/03/2020 (Wed)
1599 days ago
10. 8605 Cons DAMACAI 2652
29/01/2020 (Wed)
1641 days ago
11. 8605 1ST MAGNUM 172/19
20/04/2019 (Sat)
1925 days ago
12. 8605 1ST TOTO 4914/19
02/03/2019 (Sat)
1974 days ago
13. 8605 Cons SANDAKAN 014/19
30/01/2019 (Wed)
2005 days ago
14. 8605 Cons SINGAPORE 4369
16/01/2019 (Wed)
2019 days ago
15. 8605 Spe SINGAPORE 4287
08/07/2018 (Sun)
2211 days ago

16. 8605 Spe MAGNUM 966/18
21/02/2018 (Wed)
2348 days ago
17. 8605 Spe SABAH88 2768/17
23/12/2017 (Sat)
2408 days ago
18. 8605 Spe DAMACAI 4623/17
31/10/2017 (Tue)
2461 days ago
19. 8605 Cons SABAH88 2718/17
10/09/2017 (Sun)
2512 days ago
20. 8605 Cons SABAH88 2665/17
21/05/2017 (Sun)
2624 days ago
21. 8605 Spe SWEEP 3699/17
22/01/2017 (Sun)
2743 days ago
22. 8605 Spe SABAH88 2596/17
03/01/2017 (Tue)
2762 days ago
23. 8605 Cons SWEEP 3663
12/11/2016 (Sat)
2814 days ago
24. 8605 Spe SANDAKAN 119/16
27/08/2016 (Sat)
2891 days ago
25. 8605 Spe TOTO 4401/16
10/04/2016 (Sun)
3030 days ago
26. 8605 2ND SINGAPORE 3897
09/04/2016 (Sat)
3031 days ago
27. 8605 Cons MAGNUM 581/16
16/01/2016 (Sat)
3115 days ago
28. 8605 Spe MAGNUM 521/15
19/09/2015 (Sat)
3234 days ago
29. 8605 1ST SABAH88 2313/15
30/05/2015 (Sat)
3346 days ago
30. 8605 2ND MAGNUM 432/15
15/03/2015 (Sun)
3422 days ago
31. 8605 Spe TOTO 4041/14
06/04/2014 (Sun)
3765 days ago
32. 8605 Spe MAGNUM 183/13
27/10/2013 (Sun)
3926 days ago
33. 8605 Cons TOTO 3937/13
07/09/2013 (Sat)
3976 days ago
34. 8605 Cons SANDAKAN 120/13
01/09/2013 (Sun)
3982 days ago
35. 8605 Cons DAMACAI
24/07/2013 (Wed)
4021 days ago
36. 8605 Spe SINGAPORE 3461
26/06/2013 (Wed)
4049 days ago
37. 8605 Cons SWEEP 3057/13
19/06/2013 (Wed)
4056 days ago
38. 8605 Cons SANDAKAN 5313
14/04/2013 (Sun)
4122 days ago
39. 8605 2ND SABAH88 185312
07/11/2012 (Wed)
4280 days ago
40. 8605 Spe SABAH88 1820
29/08/2012 (Wed)
4350 days ago
41. 8605 Spe SWEEP 2909/12
22/08/2012 (Wed)
4357 days ago
42. 8605 Spe DAMACAI 3692/12
11/08/2012 (Sat)
4368 days ago
43. 8605 Cons TOTO 373412
18/07/2012 (Wed)
4392 days ago
44. 8605 Spe TOTO 371912
20/06/2012 (Wed)
4420 days ago
45. 8605 Cons SWEEP 2693/11
01/06/2011 (Wed)
4805 days ago
46. 8605 Cons TOTO 333910
25/04/2010 (Sun)
5207 days ago
47. 8605 Cons SINGAPORE 2899
19/12/2009 (Sat)
5334 days ago
48. 8605 2ND SINGAPORE 2809
23/05/2009 (Sat)
5544 days ago
49. 8605 1ST SWEEP 2324/09
29/04/2009 (Wed)
5568 days ago
50. 8605 Cons MAGNUM 375/09
11/04/2009 (Sat)
5586 days ago
51. 8605 Cons DAMACAI 3080/09
28/02/2009 (Sat)
5628 days ago
52. 8605 Cons DAMACAI 3058/09
11/01/2009 (Sun)
5676 days ago
53. 8605 Cons DAMACAI 3016/08
11/10/2008 (Sat)
5768 days ago
54. 8605 Spe MAGNUM 206/08
26/03/2008 (Wed)
5967 days ago
55. 8605 Spe DAMACAI 2867/07
07/11/2007 (Wed)
6107 days ago
56. 8605 Cons SINGAPORE 2534
19/08/2007 (Sun)
6187 days ago
57. 8605 Spe MAGNUM 105/07
18/08/2007 (Sat)
6188 days ago
58. 8605 Spe MAGNUM 095/07
28/07/2007 (Sat)
6209 days ago
59. 8605 Cons SWEEP 2013/07
10/06/2007 (Sun)
6257 days ago
60. 8605 Spe TOTO 282707
14/04/2007 (Sat)
6314 days ago
61. 8605 Cons SWEEP 1969/07
10/03/2007 (Sat)
6349 days ago
62. 8605 Cons SWEEP 1887/06
10/09/2006 (Sun)
6530 days ago
63. 8605 Spe SWEEP 1671/05
05/06/2005 (Sun)
6992 days ago
64. 8605 Cons MAGNUM 018/05
09/02/2005 (Wed)
7108 days ago
65. 8605 Spe SWEEP 1519/04
17/07/2004 (Sat)
7315 days ago
66. 8605 Spe SINGAPORE 2015
25/04/2004 (Sun)
7398 days ago
67. 8605 Cons MAGNUM 044/04
11/04/2004 (Sun)
7412 days ago
68. 8605 Spe TOTO 228104
27/01/2004 (Tue)
7487 days ago
69. 8605 Cons SWEEP 1254/02
01/12/2002 (Sun)
7909 days ago
70. 8605 Cons DAMACAI 1832/01
29/08/2001 (Wed)
8368 days ago
71. 8605 Cons SINGAPORE 1603
14/07/2001 (Sat)
8414 days ago
72. 8605 Cons DAMACAI 1726/00
31/12/2000 (Sun)
8609 days ago
73. 8605 Cons MAGNUM 151/00
16/12/2000 (Sat)
8624 days ago
74. 8605 Spe SINGAPORE 1497
10/09/2000 (Sun)
8721 days ago
75. 8605 Spe TOTO 163200
06/02/2000 (Sun)
8938 days ago
76. 8605 Spe MAGNUM 009/00
19/01/2000 (Wed)
8956 days ago
77. 8605 Spe MAGNUM 044/99
11/04/1999 (Sun)
9239 days ago
78. 8605 Spe MAGNUM 147/98
09/12/1998 (Wed)
9362 days ago
79. 8605 Cons DAMACAI 1327/98
22/07/1998 (Wed)
9502 days ago
80. 8605 Spe DAMACAI 1296/98
10/05/1998 (Sun)
9575 days ago
81. 8605 Spe TOTO 130298
21/01/1998 (Wed)
9684 days ago
82. 8605 Cons SWEEP 0431/97
15/11/1997 (Sat)
9751 days ago
83. 8605 Cons DAMACAI 1132/97
23/04/1997 (Wed)
9957 days ago
84. 8605 Spe DAMACAI 1060/96
06/11/1996 (Wed)
10125 days ago
85. 8605 Spe SWEEP 0214/96
26/06/1996 (Wed)
10258 days ago
86. 8605 2ND DAMACAI 0963/96
24/03/1996 (Sun)
10352 days ago
87. 8605 Cons TOTO 99196
27/01/1996 (Sat)
10409 days ago
88. 8605 2ND DAMACAI 0881/95
16/09/1995 (Sat)
10542 days ago
89. 8605 Cons MAGNUM 008/95
18/01/1995 (Wed)
10783 days ago
90. 8605 Spe TOTO 72694
19/05/1994 (Thu)
11027 days ago
91. 8605 Cons MAGNUM 007/94
15/01/1994 (Sat)
11151 days ago
92. 8605 Cons DAMACAI 0287/91
30/11/1991 (Sat)
11928 days ago
93. 8605 Spe MAGNUM 142/91
28/11/1991 (Thu)
11930 days ago
94. 8605 Cons DAMACAI 0215/91
15/06/1991 (Sat)
12096 days ago
95. 8605 Cons DAMACAI 0058/90
18/03/1990 (Sun)
12550 days ago
96. 8605 Cons MAGNUM 087/85
10/11/1985 (Sun)
14139 days ago

These results are extracted from

Analyzed Statistics For Number 8605


x96 hits

Predicted next on 21 Dec 2024 (Sat)

1st: 5 2nd: 6 3rd: 0

Special: 42 Consolation: 43

Total of 96 Hits Since 10/11/1985 (Sun) /14139 days ago.
Average of 0.00679 Hits/Interval. (Bigger value is better)

Please note that these statistics are provided for reference purposes only. We do not assume any responsibility for decisions made based on this information.


4DPredict offers daily updates on the latest 4D results. Our team manually collects 4D Result data from each official outlet's website and consolidates it into one website for convenience. However, human error does occur sometimes. Please verify with the official website. Using machine learning techniques, we analyze each result and provide predictions to enhance your user experience.